Statement from ACNAtoo on #BelieveUsToo

We believe you, #BelieveUsToo. We’re grieved at the trauma you’ve experienced from Mark Rivera’s abuse and we are heartbroken by the ways you are still suffering. We love you and we recognize that you long for truth and justice, as we also do. 

In most abuse situations, survivors disagree about what justice looks like and the best ways to seek it. One of our core principles is that we refuse to treat other survivors as adversaries, no matter what. When survivors publicly fight, abusers win.

We hear and support all survivors in their path to healing, even those who disagree with our methods of public advocacy and accountability. Survivors are individual people with different experiences, who have a range of needs and wishes. We are glad the #BelieveUsToo survivors have experienced support at Church of the Resurrection. ACNAtoo formed and exists to advocate for and give voice to survivors who have not found support within the ACNA, whether they are located in the UMD or any other diocese. 

We are honored to support the survivors who have reached out to us, and we commend every ACNA bishop, priest, deacon, and lay leader who has reached out to ask, “How can I protect the vulnerable and support survivors?” We are encouraged to hear of new policies and emboldened discussions that have happened because of our advocacy work. We will continue in that work in hope for a healthier, more Christlike church.


ACNAtoo Statement on the SBC Report


Update on Dean Steve Williamson's Decision to Reinstate Dcn. McIntyre